"... the CCP decided to submit to the Management Committee – which will meet in Maastricht tomorrow and Friday – a proposal aiming to prevent any rider returning to competition after a suspension of at least two years for violation of the Anti-Doping Regulation to contribute to the establishment of his team’s sporting value during the registration procedure.
If the UCI Management Committee approves, this measure, which means that during a period of two years these riders’ points would not be taken into account, will take effect from this year. (UCI-Press release, 15.6.2011)
"...After ratifying the measures proposed on Thursday by the Professional Cycling Council (PCC) on the subject of riders returning to competition after a period of suspension for violation of the Anti-Doping Regulation (see press release dated 15th June)" UCI-Press release, 17.06.2011
Das Management Committee der UCI beschloss im Juni 2011 Maßnahmen mittels denen das Management der Teams verstärkt in die Verantwortung gegen Doping einbezogen werden soll.
Zum einen müssen die Teams Verfahrenskosten, die bislang die UCI zu tragen hatte, übernehmen. Zum anderen dürfen ab dem 1.7.2011 dopingsanktionierte Personen, Angestellte jeglicher Funktion, unter bestimmten Bedingungen nicht mehr beschäftigt werden. Die Ausnahmen sind jedoch großzügig bemessen, so dass ein Ausschluss in vielen Fällen, zumal Altfällen, nicht möglich ist. Von bekannten >>> dopingbelasteten Management-Mitgliedern der ProTeams haben so gut wie alle nichts zu befürchten.
Press release - UCI Management Committee: decisions for the continual improvement of cycling, 17.06.2011
Die UCI Regularien PART 1 GENERAL ORGANISATION OF CYCLING AS A SPORT wurden um einen Artikel ergänzt:
No licence to participate in the sport as Staff under clause 1.1.010 (general manager, team manager, coach, doctor, paramedical assistant, mechanic, driver or other function as specified on the licence) shall be granted to a person who has been found by an appropriate body to have violated as an athlete the UCI’s Anti-Doping Rules or the anti-doping rules of any other organisation.
However a licence may be granted if all three of the following conditions are fulfilled:
(1) the person concerned committed a violation only once,
(2) the said violation was not sanctioned with an ineligibility for two years or more
(3) five years have elapsed between the moment of the violation and the first day of the year for which the licence is granted.
Furthermore, no licence to participate in the sport as a staff member under clause 1.1.010 shall be granted to a person who has been found by a court of law or other competent body to have been guilty of facts which can reasonably be considered to be equivalent to a violation of the UCI’s Anti Doping Rules and who was a medical doctor at the time of such facts .
This clause applies in case of violations committed as from 1st July 2011.