Am 9. März 2007 stellte die UCI einen erweiterten Antidoping-Maßnahmenkatalog vor, mit dem 100 % der Fahrer und alle Teams erfasst werden sollen. Sie möchte damit das beste Antidoping-Programm der Welt instalieren:
UCI: 100 % against doping:
«The 100 % Against Doping initiative represents a quantum leap forward for the cycling world in its efforts to fight doping.
Our objective is clear: to give cycling the best antidoping programme in the world.
Only clean riders should win; those who cheat should be caught; those considering trying to cheat should be discouraged. Together we can eliminate doping from our sport».
Pat McQuaid, President of the International Cycling Union
The new UCI ProTour anti-doping programme represents a strong commitment of resources and effort from all those involved in the UCI ProTour. UCI ProTeams, UCI Professional Continental Teams, riders and organisers, are all saying «No» to doping by working together to implement a series of unprecedented measures.
This programme contains numerous new measures, which will complement the UCI’s existing anti-doping activities. Each one covers 100 % of riders.
The main features of the programme will be implemented as early as the start of the 2007 season.
Programme summary
Unannounced out-of-competition tests for 100 % of riders
100 % of riders will be subject to unannounced out-of-competition tests.
Out-of-competition tests will be targeted to eliminate cheats.
Riders not subject to such tests in their own countries will be particularly targeted.
Blood tests for 100 % of riders
100 % of riders will be subject to blood tests before the Major Tours.
100 % of teams will undergo pre-race blood tests at least four times per year.
Blood tests will be targeted to eliminate cheats.
Unannounced (no-notice) tests will be organised during training sessions.
Creation of an individual profile for 100 % of riders
A haematological profile (blood) will be created for 100 % of riders.
A steroid profile (urine) will be created for selected riders.
An international database will be set up, in cooperation with the World Anti-Doping Agency and national anti-doping agencies.
Development of new tests in cooperation with 100 % of riders
100 % of riders will take part in an anti-doping research programme.
Each year, the most relevant research will be selected for rider’s participation.
Agreement to provide DNA by 100 % of riders
100 % of riders will commit to provide a sample of their DNA if necessary, in the respect of laws and ethical rules.
Samples will be used for identification purposes in the event of the discovery of suspect matter (organic matter or doping substances).
Clean riders will then be able to demonstrate their commitment against doping.
The same code of conduct for 100 % of teams
100 % of riders will commit to a standard code of conduct.
100 % of riders will be subject to the code.
Creation of an Advisory Board
This programme is in addition to the UCI’s extensive existing anti-doping measures:
UCI anti-doping authorities
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
International Olympic Committee (IOC)
Scientific community
Political world
Existing UCI anti-doping measures
This programme is in addition to the UCI’s extensive existing anti-doping measures:
In-competition and out-of-competition anti-doping tests.
In-competition blood tests.
Medical monitoring (periodic tests, rider’s medical file and health booklet).
Sanctions in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.
The UCI’s anti-doping rules are constantly being revised as new measures are introduced.
The UCI’s anti-doping rules are available in full at (Parts 13 and 14).
UCI: Health and Antidoping